Sunday 31 January 2010

The Hospital

" We asked Mola what he was in the hospital for. “Was he hurt in the earthquake? What about his mom and dad, where are they?” After talking with a few people we found out that Evans mom and dad had both died of AIDS and that he was alone and was infected with HIV. Our hearts broke for this little boy. What could we do? We didn’t speak any Creole and knew we couldn’t take him home, what should we do? There is nothing worse than seeing a horrible situation and feeling helpless in it even though with all your might you want to fix it... " to read more go to

Thursday 28 January 2010

More Photos From Port Au Prince

Port Au Prince

"The closer we got to the city the more chaotic it got. The first thing that we noticed was that right outside the city there are acres and acres of concrete pieces that the city has removed from the wreckage of the earthquake. The more we drove the more we saw with our own eyes what we had been watching on the TV just day’s prior..." To read more go to

Sunday 17 January 2010

Moss Family Photo Shoot

Love these guys! What a beautiful family. I went with the Moss family to the beach and took these in the late afternoon to sunset. Truly there is personality in every photo.

Tuesday 12 January 2010

A Celebration of Their Union

My brother in law Caleb, and now sister in law, Montserrat, were married in September privately, decided to appease the parents and have a more public celebration of their union. Although they have been married now for four months, it was pretty much the same as a real wedding ceremony. Caleb and Kody's mom and step dad came down, and their step dad "married" Caleb and Montse again. It really was beautiful. Since they had no photographer, I volunteered my services. These are some samples of the results.